Global Chapters
Pax Technologica is committed to improving the adoption of exponential technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, in emerging geographies of the Global South. These regions are characterised by rapid economic development and technological advancement, yet they often face significant challenges, from social inequality to environmental degradation. Given that both the risks and opportunities are amplified in these areas, it is essential for technology adoption to be carefully considered to ensure a positive, lasting impact. Pax Technologica envisions a future where emerging geographies leverage technology to make leapfrog advancements, fostering greater well-being, social harmony, and a more inclusive, peaceful future for all.
Africa lies at the heart of Pax Technologica’s vision of a future where humanity and technology coexist in harmony. We stand on the brink of an African century, in which the continent’s rapid transformation will not only reshape Africa but also have a profound impact on the world. With demographic forecasts predicting that by 2050, one in three young people globally will be African, it is crucial to ensure that Africa’s demographic dividend is accompanied by a technology dividend. This presents a unique opportunity to adopt exponential technologies in ways that empower individuals and communities, while also contributing to the development of new governance structures and infrastructures that support the well-being of the continent and its natural ecosystems.
Pax Technologica Africa- the first of our global chapters- is committed to supporting this transformation by partnering with local leaders, innovators, and institutions that are already doing remarkable work across the continent, particularly in policy, venture, and public education. By the summer of 2025, we aim to establish a physical presence in Africa and begin rolling out our Fellowship Program and policy initiatives. Additionally, we will collaborate with our partners to co-develop an African technology adoption summit. Our goal is to support local growth and facilitate international scaling, contributing to a new dynamic in which Africa becomes a leading exporter of technological innovation and problem solving.